Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Dead Links: What is it with Nudist Sites?

As an amateur writer on nudist topics I do a good bit of research, primarily on the Internet. Actually I had noticed this problem early on but it seems to be getting more pronounced. The problem? Dead links to listed nudist sites. Just this morning I entered a search term on a topic I wanted to research for a future article and links on the Nudist Explorer site were at the top of the list. I went to the site and clicked on the link for the article I was looking to read and the result was “Sorry the page you requested was not found.” I clicked on another link to an article in the same category. The result, “Sorry, the page you were looking for could not be found.” Attempt number three with another link under the same category yielded “There isn't a web page at the address you typed or it may be temporarily unavailable.” Clicking on a fourth link took me not to the article the link advertised but to a totally unrelated commercial search page with links primarily to hardcore pornography, not the article I wanted on family friendly naturism. I won’t continue to beat a dead horse here but will conclude with the results produced with the fifth link I tried, “Sorry, the page you requested was not found.” Before moving on from Nudist Explorer, I began to just randomly click on links to see if any of them worked and beyond a few links to well established sites like: Beachfront USA, Naturist Action Committee, Clothes Free International, and the like, I estimated that at least ninety percent of the links on the Nudist Explorer page were either dead, went to sites other than what the links advertised to be about or were otherwise faulty.

The Clothes Free international site also boasts a comprehensive nudist links page and so I tried that one next. While the results weren’t quite as abysmal, still there were way too many dead, non-working links there as well. What is my point in all of this? While for me as a nudist topics researcher, all of these dead, non-functioning links may just be a minor irritation, but the thought occurred to me that if I was someone curious about learning more on the subject of naturism and nudism and found so many dead ends while searching for authoritative information, I might very well have just given up. This situation also begs another question. What does it say about the people who originally put up nudist sites and then apparently abandoned them in droves so that the sites were taken down by the hosting agencies? Are there really so many naturists and nudists out there who care so little about the lifestyle that they are unwilling to remain committed to keeping a nudists informational site they once put up operational? And what does it say about people who operate nudist link sites and the fact that they obviously don’t give much if any attention to removing dead, non-functioning links?

I sometimes wonder if my personality type is really suited to naturism and nudism. I tend to be the driven type. A border-line activist if you will who seems bound to move further and further across the line. Yet now having had the opportunity to meet a good number of my fellow naturists and nudists and talk with them, I am finding that with a few notable exceptions, by and large they tend to be the most laid-back, live and let live types that I have ever met and rarely do I find anyone who has a similar mind-set to mine. I’m beginning to have serious doubts about the realistic prospects of such a group being successfully organized into a cohesive group to move naturism and nudism from being a fringe element into mainstream culture. I’m not confident that a collective will can be found to do the hard work that would be required to accomplish such a goal. This leaves me feeling a bit melancholy today as I am certain that organization and development of such a collective will is the only way any real change could ever be realized. I simply detest the idea of the naturist and nudist community remaining the backwater, fringe community element that it is perceived to be by general society. As long as present conditions exist, we will continue to languish in an environment where our rights are either denied outright or subjected to severe restrictions. How long will be content to practice our lifestyle behind the walls of expensive resorts and on the barest slivers of public lands that have been doled out to us primarily because they are areas no one else is interested in using anyway?


  1. Dealing with dead links is, indeed, frustrating. When I became a nudist, I had an activist mindset, as well. All I got from it was a lot of frustration over the fact that our society is a bunch of "six-year-olds who scream and giggle if they see pee-pee parts" (quote from Real Time with Bill Maher-On France). As for your call to organize, it appears as though you're trying to turn nudism into another avenue for herd conformity. I'm a nudist, not a sheep. Adopt a live-and-let-live mindset and save your sanity.

  2. Thanks for the reminder. It's been a while since I last checked the lniks on my blog and my site. It's a shame that so many good sites go by they wayside because the owners lose interest in the site, don't want to be bothered with the maintenance, or think they have nothing further to say.

    Some of society's attitudes about nudity are immature but those attitudes won't change unless people actively promote our lifestyle as a sensible and sane way of living. Who better to do that than nudists and naturists? No one else is going to present our side of the story.

    Rallying around a set of core ideals and working together toward a common goal isn't herd conformity. If anything, our indivuality and our diversity are assets, not liabilities.

  3. Hello Everyone, A Special Invitation for You!
    I just wanted to let everyone know about my new book. Especially here at this site. Why, because everyone in my book is naked. They Love being naked and loving all the time. Here’s a few short excerpts from my book for your enjoyment:
    …”You see in our society, beauty and love and making love are lifelong desires we all have. Love and making love is what our society is all about. It is what we’ve been Genetically Engineered to do. We celebrate Healthy living and Sex. It is our way.”…
    …True to her word, as we left the Medical Center hand in hand, I saw females here and there being carried about while mounted upon muscular males. I also saw couples here and there making love on couches and other soft pedestals which were placed along the way, as Female told me, just for that purpose. I also felt warm air circulated about me, in this beautiful domed city of love, so that walking about naked felt quite normal and comfortable. I looked up as we left the Medical Center and observed the beautiful Dome that covered the city. So I had correctly guessed that the air was filtered and climate controlled just like in one of my ‘Sleep Units’. …
    …This was a beautiful city full of Beautiful people doing Beautiful things. Nearly always naked, they work and have wonderful sex whenever possible. …
    Not too bad ha. I wrote this book with the nude lifestyle in mind. My book is called: Tomorrow’s World #1 by Steve Nelson. Please Google me and my book title for more info.
    Thank You Very Much, Steve Nelson
